In the pre-dawn light, National Geographic Venture passed through La Entrada, our passageway into the Magdalena Bay complex. With the rising sun, seabird activity picked up as we made our way to an anchorage off Sand Dollar Beach, the morning’s destination. Various walks traversing this sand barrier island were a welcome opportunity to stretch one’s legs after a day at sea yesterday. Birders who stayed on the gulf side hiked to the mangrove estuary and had great observations of various shore and wading birds, including a reddish egret in pursuit of fish. Those who crossed the barrier island dunes were treated to the treasures left behind by the morning’s receding high tide: a turtle carapace, sand dollars, skeletal bones, and more.

During the morning, National Geographic Venture was visited by coyotes…not the wild kind… but Los Coyotes. This local group of musicians from San Carlos played a variety of folkloric songs from the region. It was quite the listening and dancing experience for all guests.

In the afternoon, we began our transit to the Cape region. We experienced a bit of a delay due to a pod of dolphins and numerous humpback whales in pursuit of Pacific sardines.

Steam on, National Geographic Venture. Steam on, you wonderful, beautiful ship.